Store-Bought Vitamin D Tablets Not As Effective As Portrayed?
Vitamin D or Vitamin D3 tablets have become quite popular in the past couple of months. Either you have been recommended to take those tablets or you are the one recommending them to your friends and family. Well, STOP!!
Yes, Vitamin D is absolutely necessary for your body. It helps you build strong bones, and keep your teeth and muscles healthy. Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as increased susceptibility to infection. Additionally, it helps to balance your emotions, regulates insulin levels, and much more.
It is undeniably a keystone Vitamin and yet one many are deficient of.
That is why many are prescribed and recommended to use Vitamin D supplements. But are you using the correct supplements?
Not all pharmacy bought supplements are good for you, some are simply useless. Our body does not absorb vitamins just because we have swallowed a tablet. For your body to absorb enough vitamins and for them to be used in areas where it's needed, vitamin tablets need to be taken along with other essential nutrients.
That’s what functional nutrition is all about. Not thinking of your health in terms of isolated incidences but as a whole. Just because you want to lose your belly fat you do not keep exercising your abs but work on your whole body right from cardio to stretching your hamstrings. It's the same with nutrition, to tackle one deficiency you need to combine the supplement taken with other essential nutrients.
How To Get The Maximum Benefit From Your Vitamin D Supplement
To get the desired result out of your Vitamin D supplement your best option is to combine Vitamin D3 with K2. Scientific research found that the synergic effect of Vitamin D3 and K2 was most promising as their effect compliments the other. Both these vitamins are helpful to your body on their own but, in combination, the effect is much greater.
Both vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning they are absorbed in the lymph and can be stored in the liver and fatty tissues, and work together to digest calcium in your body by activating useful proteins. Although vitamin D3 improves your absorption of calcium, vitamin K2 sets the stage on where that calcium is to be used.

Which Vitamin D Supplements Should You Use
We all can agree that “natural” is the way to go.
The best source of Vitamin D is the sun but slathering ourselves in sunscreen won’t help in getting sufficient Vitamin D and more times than most people rarely go out in the sun. No one likes getting burnt to a crisp even if it will ultimately help you. Neither do we ingest healthy fish or organ meats all that often especially, with most being vegetarian.
With most getting their lab results showing prevalent vitamin D deficiency, taking a supplement is necessary. But out of the numerous Vitamin D supplements available which one must you choose? And are you sure the one you are choosing is natural and gives you the desired results?
iThrive essentials have come up with an amazing solution by combining not only Vitamin D3 with MK7 form of K2 (which has higher efficiency and longer half-life compared to other Vitamin K homologs) but also have MCT added to it (MCT helps in weight loss, appetite control, inflammation, and tackles problems related to fat or nutrient intake). iThrive Vitamin D + K2 supplement provides the optimal dosage and the best part of it all is that every ingredient is wild-crafted and naturally sourced.
iThrive uses liquid-filled technology in its Vitamin D + K2 supplement, this yields enhanced absorption. That means you are not just dumping a boatload of Vitamin D in your system just for it to pass right through but are taking a supplement that is developed to give you maximum benefits with all-natural ingredients.