Celery Juice

July 22, 2020


- Celery Stalks (without leaves) 100 gms

- Water as required (if blending in mixer)


Step 1

Juice celery stalks in a juicer


Grind celery with enough water to make one glass and then strain it.

Consume it as soon as  it is prepared.

Health Benefits

Celery is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods, because it starves unproductive bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus, and viruses that are present in the body and flushes their toxins and debris out of the intestinal tract and liver. In addition, celery offers enzymes and co-enzymes, and it raises hydrochloric acid in the stomach so that food digests with ease and doesn’t putrefy. This helps prevent a multitude of gastrointestinal disorders. Adding celery juice to your diet is the best way to resolve ammonia permeability, an unrecognized condition in which ammonia gas seeps through the intestinal lining and causes health issues such as dental rot and brain fog. 

While celery may seem to some like a bland, boring food, it is anything but. In addition to the above, celery improves kidney function, helps restore the adrenals, and can even bring ease to one’s mind and thought patterns, with its mineral salts feeding electrical impulse activity and supporting neuron function.

Recipe Created By
Ria Jain

One of iThrive’s biggest focus to teach anyone how to harness the healing power of food. In order to this, we have been creating innovative and delicious recipes that are filling, tasty and full of healing benefits. This one is just one of those recipes.

Ria Jain
Functional Nutritionist

Ria has a Master’s in Nutrition and Dietetics and is in a permanent research mode and keeps the rest of us at iThrive (Previously ThriveFNC) updated with her latest findings in the field of Nutrition. Her articles on iThrive's blog are an expression of her research findings. We really don’t know what we’d do without her support and her focus.