5 things doctors don’t want you to know (about their knowledge of nutrition)

March 16, 2021

As doctors keep your problems confidential, they often also keep their problems a secret to the outside world. If they let you know their every thought, you might trust them less. They are not experts for every health problem, especially when it comes to lifestyle diseases. These are chronic, food-driven conditions and can be reversed, if dealt with closely. 

Here are top 5 things your doctor does not want you to know about their Nutrition knowledge.

  1. Not specialists in Nutrition science

This fact stands true and proves that doctors have a dearth of Nutrition knowledge- Education/ training in nutrition. A doctor, throughout his course of MBBS or the other related courses, undergoes approx 2-hours training on the subject of Nutrition. Quite less as compared to a full-blown Nutrition degree program!

Nutrition and Dietetics programs typically involve either 3‐year Bachelor’s and 2‐year Master’s level training to develop competence and enable accreditation in providing dietary counselling services and medical nutrition therapy to patients. It is therefore understandable that doctors report having a lack of confidence and knowledge or indeed the complex skills required for effective, person‐centered nutrition counselling.

iThrive’s is a team of qualified Functional Nutritionists who’ve excelled in their work by helping people reverse their chronic, debilitating lifestyle conditions and giving them a deep hope of living healthy.

  1. Root cause analysis 

Doctors often order medical (blood) tests and fail to address them optimally. By giving just a superficial look at  the deranged tests, they try to fix the problem primarily with medications and at best with their super-speedy-general dietary advice.

Your blood report is the way your body speaks. It reveals the overall internal health and helps you find out a lot of information and processes that might be going wrong inside the body. At iThrive, a thorough blood report analysis forms the very first step of finding the root causes of all the lifestyle- related problems followed by a detailed explanation of the same.

(Click on the link to know what CBC tell you about your health: https://www.thrivefnc.com/blog/things-you-need-to-know-about-cbc/)

It sometimes also happens that your doctor might give you a mis-diagnosis or an extreme diagnosis while the problem is totally due to faulty eating and lifestyle practices. So you should really be aware of whom you put your trust when trying to deal with lifestyle problems.

  1. Time constraints

On an average a doctor does not spend more than 5 minutes with his patients. Dietary and lifestyle plans in just 5 minutes? Does not sound like a disease-healing plan! Although patients trust their doctor and hold their advice in high regard, their doctor might not have the time and skills to effectively communicate optimal diet advice that can enable their patients to make behavioral change.

  1. One-on-one healing approach

Your doctor may not really have time for diet counselling because it requires proper intervention and one-on-one connection in order to counsel people with correct dietary choices. This can only be done by expert nutrition coaches who spend time onto and have relevant experience of coaching and counseling people.

Our coaches are expert Functional Nutritionists and follow an one-on-one healing approach to reversing lifestyle problems as opposed to a 5-minute generalised advice by a doctor.

One thing that we have discovered and your doctors definitely do not want you to know is that one-on-one healing approach involves bio-individuality which is the most sustainable way of addressing and treating any health issue.

  1. Medications create a havoc, until absolutely necessary

Doctors are pundits when it comes to suppressing symptoms of a health problem. They think by waving the magic wand of prescribing various drugs, they are doing good if not the best to help the patient. This is, however, deteriorating conditions all the more because lifestyle diseases can easily be treated, or even reversed with a dietary regimen alone.

Long-term intake of certain drugs, for e.g NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) cause hormonal imbalances, massive gut health issues which further result in poor immunity.

One of the main objectives of nutrition coaches at iThrive is to bring down and eventually stop the use of medications with its tailor-made protocols.

iThrive is a functional nutrition based healing approach which involves a holistic and comprehensive process of dietary and lifestyle protocols, which makes it possible for us to heal all the modern day diseases efficiently. With our unique, real time response and one-on-one strategies, iThrive holds and stands by the ‘disease-reversal’ claim adeptly.

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