Hydration: Its Influence on Daily Health

March 14, 2022

Water is one of the most important and active biological molecules. The importance of hydration is well recognised as even a mild level of dehydration can impair cognition, alertness, agility, responsiveness, concentration and short-term memory. Many chronic diseases like Urolithiasis, Urinary Tract Infection, Bladder and Colon cancer, Bronchopulmonary disorders, Kidney dysfunctions, Constipation, Hypertension and even fatal Coronary heart disease are linked with mild dehydration 1.

Water is essential for the normal functioning of the skin and for maintaining healthy skin 2.

There are numerous consequences on our minds if the body is dehydrated. These include decreased alertness, concentration, increased tiredness, headaches, response time, and impaired short-term memory 3

UTI in most cases occurs because of low fluid intake and low urine output. Constipation is related to fluid restriction. Apart from these, hypohydration has also been shown to reduce salivary excretion 1.

Clinical dehydration can cause low intravascular water content like low blood pressure, and impaired functional status like confusion, coma, kidney failure, muscular weakness, and loss of water from tissue (lasting skinfold). Expected changes in osmolarity, plasma urine content and urine volume occurred 3.

Water has various roles in our body, it acts as a building material, as a universal solvent, a reaction medium and reactant, a carrier for nutrients and waste products, as a thermoregulator, as a shock absorber and as a lubricant 4

When sweating is elicited, evaporation of water from the skin surface is a very efficient way to lose heat. Water, in combination with viscous molecules, forms lubricating fluids for joints; for saliva, gastric and intestinal mucus secretion in the digestive tract; for mucus in airways secretion in the respiratory system and mucus secretion in the genito-urinary tract 4.

Thirst partially defines the intake of water in our body. The osmotic pressure of the ECF generally increases with water loss exceeding the water intake 4.  

Voluntary drinking of water is a key behaviour for maintaining water balance. Consequently, drinking water before being thirsty is a good habit for maintaining a good body hydration status 4


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