
Impact of Toxins

This is a transcript of the Facebook Live session that was held on 18th July. Link to the talk is here

Sabita: Why the green revolution has started, looking at the growing population of India if you say maybe the government at that time had taken the decision to introduce fertilizers, it was a collaboration between the government and some chemical manufacturing companies to start this revolution. And looking at that they have started the revolution and introduced a lot of fertilizers in the organic or the agricultural field where the fertilizers were introduced in 1965 to grow more and more, grains or whatever the requirement of all our day to day food requirements and rain and everything. So that is where it started with introducing fertilizer and, you know, the farmers were very unaware of all the side effects.

The reason was to start this is to manage the ratio of the global hunger index of India, but then the truth is that India still stands on the 103rd position in the hunger index. So, if you see the bottom line; the truth is that people who had to get benefited by this are again, the government and you know, chemical manufacturing companies. They got all the benefits and on the other hand, farmers, we as a consumer, our environment and our landfill, they all got lots of chemicals and till today we are suffering and we are still yet to overcome that. So that is where the origin of these toxin foods. So if you allow me, I’ll show a small video where you can see how it all started.

Punjab ke Chanchal gaon me  Nelsingh ne bahut duniya dekhi; Green revolution se aaye badalav ko inhone apne aankhon se dekha hai; 1965-70 yaha par kudarat hi kheti hoti ti tab yaha par kisi bhi tarah ki koi bhi bimari nahin thi jab Green Revolution aaya tab chemical aur spray aayi,chemical ke 30- 40 litre ke bade bade drum aate te; mein dekhta tha ki log chemical ki boriyaan kandho mein; truck mein; bhar bhar ke laate te. Mujhe toh dekhke hairani hoti ti itne saare zehar spray ke dwara chidka jata tha; mere ko tab hi yakeen hua tha ye zeher sab ko Maar dega; itni saari spray anaaj per hogi to nuksaan hi hoga. Kisi ko maloom nahin tha ki iska zameen par, fasal par, dudh par, kya asar ho raha hai itne saare janwaar lok kis wajah se marr rahe hai logo ki sehat kharab ho gayi; Mein apni gaon ki baat kar raha hoon 45 log cancer se marr gaye isse bada kya saboot ho sakta hai ? Main kuch Scientist nahi hun lekin main sadharan Kisan hu lekin yeh jo dabaayi dekh raha hoon uska jimmedaari pesticide aur chemical hi hain.

So, the video shows where the origin of toxin foods was. And so before 1965, there was only one food which was organically grown so there was no difference of organic or non-organic and all that, you know funda which we have today.

So the other question which you had asked was: What is the basic difference between organic food and non-organic food?

So there are few pointers, which is very common and most of us are aware of now. So, that is like organic food and non-organic food. So this non-organic food we'll have all the, you know, pesticides in that organic food again will not have any kind of pesticides or non-organic food we'll have all that, fertilizers manure and chemically treated or you know the landfill, the same way again organic food will have all the natural manures like cow dung and there are a lot of other measures which is being taken care of for organic food. Then in non-organic food again we have a lot of additives, the same way again in organic food we don't have any kind of additives.

Non-organic food is again has a lot of adulteration in that lot of mixing and, organic food is again is free from any kind of adulteration and all those things so these are you know few very basic differences between organic food and non-organic food, but then the bottom line is non-organic food is in every way starting from the origin, till the end. It reaches our houses loaded with different kinds of harmful chemicals and organic food is free from any kind of chemical so this is the basic difference, we can understand.

Suyash: Okay, thanks a lot Sabita for enlightening us on the difference between toxic food non-toxic food. 

And now I'll move to the second question, and before that I'll just like to inform all the participants that we'll also be having a Q & A session at the end of the session. Just for 10-15 minutes, you can just put your questions in the chat section and we will also be answering them. 

So coming to Mugdha. How do these toxins impact our health, like, how do these affect? If you could enlighten us on the same.

Mugdha: Sure Suyash, and thank you for that wonderful intro. I was a little busy making sure that the session is running live on FB. Also, give me a minute. I just want to share my screen. I have a few slides that I've prepared. 

Suyash: Great. 

Mugdha: And what I'd also like to do is kind of take everyone through the flow of our conversation because I think we have so much information, packed in this one hour. We might actually overextend. So, what we are going to go through is basically the origins of toxic food, the impact of toxin so this is the flow and then in the end we'll have a Q & A. 

So, going back to your questions about the impact of toxins on health. In fact, before I answer that question I wanted to run a quick poll because Sabita just spoke about how, you know, like, Where is the origin of all these toxins in our food I just wanted to ask a quick question. I just wanted to launch a quick poll so everybody who's attending. Can you just answer this question?

Okay, that's interesting. 

That's a majority of people who actually have switched to using organic.

Because I can see that nearly, More than 50% now is saying they've used organic.

Yeah, I'm really happy to see because like what I want to say next about how toxins impact health, then it just makes it a little easier for me to talk about that because everybody is not using organic then they'll wonder what I'm talking about, are actually seeing a majority actually. So 52%, people have voted that they actually have used organic and they mostly use organic food. Alright, cool. So, I'm okay. I'm going to move on to my answer.

And I'm going to end the poll here. Yeah, I'm going to share this.

Okay. So moving on to the question that you had Suyash.  How do toxins impact health?

 So what we've seen so what I, what we do at Thrive. For those of you who are new to Thrive and our work, or you might have joined those sessions a little late. We work primarily with chronic diseases. Right so we work with diseases that might have occurred over time, which includes things like diabetes and obesity and PCOD, PCOS  but we also work with really complex conditions like fibromyalgia and MCPD and all of those. Often we've seen that a lot of people who come to us, the root cause of their diseases is because of a toxin overload that they have in their body.

Now you might, the people listening to this might not really have a major illness as such, but what is important to know that even, you know, small doses of exposure to different toxins, not just the pesticides and fertilizers, I will speak about that as well later. But even the smallest exposure to, you know, toxins from the environment can create symptoms like headache, it can create symptoms like exhaustion, it can actually if you have a toxin overload. It can also create excess weight, it can create skin problems, a lot of times psoriasis and eczema cases that come to us are because of toxin overload.

So toxins can create a lot of chronic health conditions and they start off very insidiously they might start off small and then over time they build up and become some big condition so that's the impact toxins have on health and different people depending on the genetic structure right depending on their genes will express this toxin overload in different ways. But toxins have a major, major impact on health, and this slide kind of shows all the different ways in which toxins can impact someone's health.

So did that answer your question Suyash or did I leave anything?

Suyash: Yes. So okay, Going ahead.

I would like to know what are actually sources for the toxins and how it impacts but it would be great if you can tell what are the sources like where we get toxins inside a body because you know, I feel that that is everything. There is some kind of toxin or you know it's everywhere around our environment. So can you just throw some light on the sources you know like what are the different sources where you can get toxins?

Mugdha: Sure.

So like I tell so many people it's like literally you're swimming in a sea of toxins right because if you start looking at where we are going, getting these into our body, people will be amazed, again I'm going back to my slide because it just helps me make my point.

So the question is how do they enter us right?

Toxins can enter our body from multiple sources. They can come in from food so one source of toxins from food is of course the pesticides and fertilizers that are sprayed on the food itself right so these are external chemicals that are sprayed on food and when you eat them and Sabita will go much more in detail about that I'm not gonna talk too much about that. But there are other ways in which toxins from food and then come into our body so genetically modified food even if it's organic soy, but because soy is genetically modified that genetically modified soy itself becomes a source of toxins for our body.

Then, in a lot of foods there are hormone mimics right so estrogen is a female hormone a lot of foods actually have estrogen mimics, so soy estrogens or estrogens that are coming from the dairy that you can do a lot of these can also become toxins in our body. And then you have this entire class of chemicals called excitotoxins and, you know, excitotoxins are toxins that once they enter your body they actually start creating irregular neural impulses so they actually start interfering with your brain's communication itself. So these excitotoxins can come in in the form of MSG, which is almost always added into all processed foods, excitotoxins sugar is an excitotoxin right, so sugar you might buy organic sugar, you might buy non-pesticide infused sugar but sugar on its own is an excitotoxin for the brain, which is why we see kids going off and becoming hyper after they consume sugar.

So sugar is a toxin for the body, and then you have all these processed foods and processed meats like you know if you're buying, for example, sausages and bacon then those have nitrites, nitrates, sulphates, all the hydrogenated oils. Basically, if you look at the list you're in terms of food. These are things that usually come to you from processed food, if you're looking at natural whole food you won't really get so many toxins in from there, but generally, the process of making your snacky junk food a lot of toxins get added, and you might think like somebody might think that oh it's such a small quantity you know it's just like a microgram but even medicines are given to us micrograms only right a single tablet will just have a microgram of that particular active compound that's going to work on your blood pressure or diabetes or whatever. So even these toxins in their micro amounts can still impact human health, and that's one place so that's just food, and then I have eight other names here. Oh, I have nine I'm really bad at math so I have five two times.

And then there is a category that I call dying to look good. Okay so, a lot of women visually, put on so many products on their skin, and on their hair and on their body without knowing that these products contain so many toxins that are actually carcinogens that can interfere with their hormone functions like when we get women with PCOD and PCOS problems or any kind of menstrual problem. Often we find out that the culprit,  I mean yes they have deficiencies and all of that that we know from the blood test but also the products that they use the personal care products the soaps and shampoos and lotions and creams and the you know there are lipsticks that they use those also often have a lot of toxins which can cause health problems. 

Then cleaning products such as Domex and Harpic and all these harsh chemicals have, like, if you look at the back of it, they say, if accidentally consumed, go to Poison Control Center. So on the label itself, tell you that it is poison, and then you are using these products in your house to clean up your house. I don't know in which way that makes sense it's just the way these products are advertised that we end up buying them now like I am really concerned with the amount of hand sanitizer everybody's using with this Covid fear right like, why can't you just use regular soap and water, but everyone's drowning in hand sanitizer and people don't know hand sanitizers have so much triclosan in them, because triclosan is a proven carcinogen. So, you know, the chance of you getting sick by Corona is much lesser than the chance of you getting sick by the hand sanitizer is much higher.

But a lot of cleaning products also have toxins that enter our body because our skin is one of the most absorptive surfaces it's a living breathing tissue and anything you put on it gets absorbed into your body and then that goes into your liver and I'll get into the liver thing later but cleaning products is another source.

The air of course, like if anybody here is from Delhi, then, then you know how it can really mess up your head, but even during Diwali for example the number of firecrackers is. It's just insane the kind of pollution that we see we all experience respiratory issues right so pollutants from the air, volatile organic compounds air fresheners all these deodorants even these scented candles often can release these VOC so a lot of toxins and for people who are more sensitive to them. This can impact their health even more.

So air is one more source of toxins; toxic mold, people don't know this but there is this particular species of coral called mold called Stachybotrys and this mold is particularly toxic because it releases for so if you have spaces or in your house or if you have household surfaces that have mold on them, please please reach out to us we'll help you clean that up in our natural way because this mold can release toxic spores that can create a lot of chronic health issues including something like fibromyalgia. We've had fibromyalgia patients whose condition improved when they actually got out of that moldy house, they were living in.

Water, In India, we have a lot of chlorination of water now what people don't know is, chlorine replaces iodine in their thyroid gland; so the thyroid uses iodine to make thyroid hormones and if chlorine comes in then the thyroid, because all these halogens look-alike structurally right so the thyroid might assume this is Iodine and the chlorine goes and replaces it then people end up having thyroid dysfunction.

So fluoride is another one like I know in certain places in India especially like Andhra Pradesh there are spots where the fluoride content in water is very high, and most women in that area end up with hashimotos and hypothyroidism so fluoride, chlorine, both are thyroid disruptors.

And then in water, because of all the toxic cleaning products, and the personal care products we use often a lot of these things go into our water cycle, and then they come back into our body because earth is a closed system. Water is not being suctioned off by some alien ship right it's all here only whatever we do to this planet remains here. So water also becomes a source of toxins.

Utensils, a lot of people now are aware that nonstick cookware actually releases carcinogens into their foods. People have stopped using Teflon but if anyone here is still using nonstick then I would highly recommend you ditch that right away. As Teflon long releases carcinogens in your food and there's a very high correlation between using nonstick cookware and chronic health conditions.

Aluminium again, People don't have a conclusive answer but I'll tell you conclusively that usage of aluminum has been shown to increase the incidence of Alzheimer's. Aluminium as metal can go and replace zinc in your cells and zinc is such a vital mineral for building immunity. And for so many other enzymatic functions so if your aluminium cookware is leeching aluminum into the food and you're eating that to have aluminium deposits from the utensils itself.

And then all those people who use plastics to heat their food right like microwavable plastic. These things release BPA. These things release carcinogens again so sometimes we end up doing things for convenience without realizing that that convenience is going to cost us more in the long term. 

And I, you know now like I especially feel the need to speak up about vaccines because everybody's waiting for the coronavirus vaccine and they don't know the kind of impact vaccines have on human health.

Vaccines usually have the most lethal forms of all the heavy metals that I've discussed so far: aluminum, mercury. Vaccines have the most bio-absorbable form of this which means these can cause the most damage. Plus vaccines have other chemicals like you know preservatives and adjuvants which are there to preserve the integrity of that vaccine so formalin for example and then there is fetal DNA that is animal DNA that is so much junk in vaccines that can actually go and create a whole host of diseases. So, by taking vaccines please be careful. I would recommend avoiding them as much as possible but that's a topic for another day. But vaccines are another source of toxins in our body.

Then medicines you know the regular medicines that doctors prescribe, and you can get over the counter without even a prescription sometimes a lot of these medicines can contribute to the toxin loads in your body. So birth control pills are either non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, and then all your antacids, all your antidepressants, all the painkillers that people take for migraines, the statins that people take cholesterol. All of these medicines release toxins in your body and the poor liver has to bear the burden of this.

So that's why when people come to us for their health problems. The first thing that we do is start making a plan to take them off their medicines because if you're taking medicines you're constantly adding toxins to your body. So these are the sources, I try to keep it as short as possible Suyash but I couldn't make it any more compact than this. 

So I'm going to stop sharing and I'm going to hand it over to you now. 

Sabita: Alright, Before going to the next topic. This topic reminds me of one small clip which I had seen. Just to add to Mugdha’s details that how toxins and these kind of chemical ones come into the, you know, environment, and it stays there forever, as Mugdha said, like you know, it just does not evaporate somewhere. So you know it stays there for decades and decades, so I'll just show you one small clipping on that, which will explain the things that you mentioned.

Mugdha: This toxin subject and like you also we've seen right in so many blood tests that heavy metals and chemical toxin overload is actually what is creating yeah and even there's there is research that eating insecticide and pesticide foods actually kills the egg for women, and it might is one of the causes of it, fertility even even declining sperm count can be attributed Yeah, the low fertility rates that we're seeing actually could be usually attributed to the toxins in the environment.

Suyash: Right.

Sabita: Can you see the screen now?

I'll just start the video Keral ko Ishwar ki dharti kahan jaata hai khudarat ne isse khubusarat bakshi hai Keral Sarkar ne Kasargod zille ki uchaa zamino parju ki kheti karna shuru kiya par 1975 se Kaju ke pedon ko kide se bachane ke liye endosulfan naam ke ek keetanushak ka chidkav shuru kiya gaya Kasargod se leker 15,000 acres zameen tak yeh chidkaa gaya Ishwar ki dharti per yaha zeherili barish lagatar 25 saal chali Hindustan ki Zameen par hi nahin; Logon ki raghu mein utar gaya jindagi maut se pathar ho gayi; 5000 se jyada log iss zeher se dabha hue.

This was actually done almost five decades back, but then if you see in the Kerala Kasaragod area. We can still see, you know, there is no organic farming and, you know, still, those chemical effects are seen on people's health in the environment and everywhere. So once these chemicals are induced around us, and you know, in us. Be aware that it is not going to evaporate overnight or, you know, in, even in a few years. So, guys, we have to be really very careful about that.

Sabita: Yeah. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. 

I have seen that now, DDT and lots of incessant pesticides, have been banned globally. But like, why it's in India still being used and why is it not banned in India? or if it depends on what are the chemicals which have been banned in India? If you can just throw some light on the same.

Sure! Actually this is a very good question. So, if I have to number it, then there are at least 66 pesticides or these kinds of chemicals, which are globally banned, and it is actually banned in India as well. So when I say globally banned it is not to be used anywhere for any kind of agriculture, but then this is used in India because, we all know what, how we control things and you know the checking system and everything around us. 

So it is not only used in India. It is used like without any kind of control; any kind of control on the quantity they should have been used. And, you know, they're just used like nobody is checking on the quantity because see every chemical even when it started in 1965, as I said, there were some parameters set for that this is the quantity, which has to be used and how it has to be used and in how much of the carrier water, it is to be or whatever it is to be, what should be the dilution ratio and everything was actually guided, but in India to take advantage of, you know, the maximum benefit of it and you know the maximum growth and the maximum result in the increase in production, and produce, so nobody control that and it is used everywhere in India in all the farming. 

And like we can even just google the list of it there are some complicated name which we don't even you know understand but then yes they are globally banned, and it is used in India, and you know due to this, these particular chemicals they work as a slow poison on our body, and even in environment. So what happens if we see, you know, we can say the ratio like 68% of deaths in India happens due to this chronic illness which Mugdha will also agree with me because this all happens due to all this slow poison which is working on our body, and we are eating it as though, fertilizers and chemicals and pesticides to our food, and we are not aware about that. Only thing is like, you know, they have been encouraged to use the quantity or these kinds of pesticides and chemicals for the benefit of all the manufacturers of these kinds of, you know, the chemicals and all and we are again, the sufferer of this. So on this note if you allow me Suyash. I also have one more clipping which gives a very good, you know, clear picture of how it works. 

One second.

Suyash: Sure.

Mugdha: Like we were discussing sperm count and fertility is dropped big time and yes deficiency of zinc deficiency B12 deficiency can impact that but we are seeing a big role of toxins and in fact like I was researching on the effect of each of these toxins right so if I had to share all that information this would become a 5-hour talk. It’s insane how toxins impact health.

 Sabita: Can you see Suyash?

Pesticides ka logon ki sehat kya hota hai yah janne ke liye hamari team ne Punjab ko chuna kyunki Punjab ka area Bharat ka do pratishat Matra hai. Lekin yaha desh me istemaal honewali pesticide ke matra 15 se 18 pratishat hai. Akhir itni bhaari matra mein itni zaherali pesticides kyu chidke jaa rahe hai. Iska jawaab diya khud agriculture product ke vikreta Surendra Maheshwari Ji ne. ‘Poison hai Ji Poison bahut tagda Poison hai.’ Humne sab jagah likha hai Nah use karo, humne visiting card me bhi likha hai use mat karo isse cancer hota hai lekin fir bhi awareness ki kami kehlo ya kuch bi kehlo sabi lok daal rahe hai. Jaise 40 gram padni chaiye  per chahe company wale 70 gm bolke galti kar dete hai, hum usse 100 gm kar dete hai fir uske servant usko 150 gram kar dete hoge. 40 gram ke liye lok  200 gram dose padti ha;i Yeh apne pair pe khulaadi maar rhe hai. 

So now you see how these farmers have been encouraged to use the maximum quantity of it.So the reason why I'm showing all this clipping is that you know how much ever we explain it online but then when we see, and we know the visual effect is always more. And when we get to the fact and we see that how and, you know, why it is happening? So then it gives us a completely different idea that is the reason I'm trying to show the maximum possible clips I have. 

So it's over to you Suyash.

Suyash: Thank you, thank you for sharing this, because a lot of people here will not be knowing that. 

And as we move on, I and Mugdha we're discussing that now know that a lot of toxins, definitely impact our health as you should now what are some most dangerous toxin, you know, which has a specific impact on our health and what symptoms do they give us so that you know we can understand better? 

Mugdha: Yeah, so let's go back to. I'd like to share my slides again because see, all these toxins have an impact on our health right there is no denying that Oh, nitrite will not impact you or sulphide will not impact you. But then, like I said, we are swimming in a sea of toxins right? So if somebody has to prioritize Oh, this is what I need to like first get rid of and then I focus on the smaller ones later. So that's a really great question, thanks Suyash. I'll just go back to my slides and talk of the ones that we have seen in our work so far seem to have a major impact.

So the most dangerous ones in terms of, like, chronic health conditions right. The first there would be heavy metals itself and heavy metals like mercury and aluminum and lead and arsenic and why these are so dangerous is often these heavy metals go and start settling in your tissues like your bones and your bone marrow and your brain. The problem with these heavy metals is often they end up replacing a lot of so for example I spoke of zinc earlier, zinc is an extremely critical mineral when it comes to building immunity when it comes to a lot of enzymatic reactions in the body when it comes to even things like fertility. 

When it comes to even maintaining your gut microbiome so zinc is very very important in the body and often metals like these heavy metals that we've listed copper is a competitor for the minute you have excess copper in your body zinc is going to be depleted copper is not going to take the place of zinc it's just going to go and deplete zinc; aluminium is going to replace the space that a cell has for zinc so they won't even get entry into your cell if there's too much aluminium. Besides much aluminium. Like I spoke earlier right aluminium has been implicated in the lead up to Alzheimer so often, people who have Alzheimer's their brain tissue shows higher levels of aluminium than in non Alzheimer's so the flux that you've seen as I was right so there is a higher level of aluminium in their tissue. 

Mercury. We could do an entire zoom session on mercury; it's that hazardous. And we have seen some really severe cases of mercury poisoning So, where does mercury come in from right mercury can come in from either your dental amalgams, which is, you know, a lot of people who got their dental fillings done maybe 10-15 years ago would have had silver fillings in the teeth and not the typical white enamel filling that is used now that silver is not the only silver that silver is like very little silver mixed up with mercury and put into your tooth I myself have a silver filling. And this mercury from your dental filling can keep leaching like after this session, what we'll do is for all the people who are here and people who registered we'll send a follow up email with some research papers that you can read up on your own because it's really, it's not enough time for me to be able to showcase everything that all of these toxins can do so I'll definitely share mercury research with you. 

But the dental amalgams is one place where mercury can come from, you know, the coal industry, the tar industry and factory smoke itself, that also releases a lot of mercury in the environment.

 Of course if you, if you touch something that had mercury like either a thermometer or you know the CFL bulbs that had mercury so if that broke. And if you clean up that mess that also increases the chances of mercury exposure. Vaccines is a big source of mercury and from the food category fish are one source for Mercury, especially the larger fish, because these fish are in sea and then there is this thing called as biomagnification so they might eat smaller fish that might have mercury overload and then over time this smaller mercury overload will build up in this big fish's body. And then when you eat this fish, this Mercury is now in the most bioavailable form ethyl mercury and that's going to get absorbed into your tissues immediately. 

Mercury can cause everything from Autism in tiny children to Genetic mutations and, like if the mother is exposed to a lot of mercury in pregnancy, there is a very high chance of deformities in the offspring. Mercury can create anxiety and depression. We've had a lot of patients who have mercury poisoning and who have severe mood disorders, and you know they don't even know that it's because of the mercury they just think that's their personality type. And once we help them get rid of a Mercury in whatever way we do, they start seeing a lot of improvement. Mercury can also create digestive disorders but Mercury is really the worst because it's a neurotoxin so it actually goes and damages your nerves and it messes with your brain big time aluminium I already spoke off.

 Lead is another one that can actually create inflammation in your liver. I do have a slide later of symptoms of toxin overload but lead on its own, and I think a lot of people are aware about lead because around 10 years ago or something there was news about how Lead can lead to cancer and lead can create a whole lot of chronic health issues.

Arsenic, if you read Agatha Christie novels, then you'll know arsenic was one of her favorite ways of murder. Slow poisoning with arsenic is what a lot of her perpetrators in her novels would use to kill their victims, especially like wives frustrated with their husbands and then the husband would die suddenly but then the culprit would be arsenic poisoning. So arsenic can poison our body over time. And finally, what my research has shown is that often rice has very high levels of arsenic because of how rice grows. So rice needs a lot of water and, you know, the rice, the grass, I mean the plant is steeped in water for a very long time so what happens is that water like being in that water swamp area, ends up releasing arsenic from the ground and rice nodes apparently are exceptionally great at absorbing arsenic. So rice. If it's grown in contaminated soil can have an arsenic overload.

Pesticides like DDT so I was saying that I’ll send the DDT research links again after the talk but DDT itself.

It is very very interesting to see that the polio thing that happened right like when polio cases went on the rise and when polio was a very big pandemic like Corona is right now, it significantly correlates with the use of DDT. So, and all the symptoms of DDT poisoning are exactly like the symptoms of poliomyelitis. So, Most of these pesticides in this clip that Sabita has shown us can very clearly see the kind of impact that chemical fertilizers and pesticides have on the human body. 

The level of deformities and the level of issues because of endocrine disruptors are toxins that can actually mess with your endocrine gland. So we have these glands that make hormones in our body from the thyroid hormone to insulin to even your adrenal hormones to your pituitary hormones right so all these hormones are made in the body to maintain a state of balance and endocrine disruptors are toxins that can go in, or disrupt this hormone balance. 

So, like I said earlier, soy estrogens and then estrogen coming in from the dairy industry right? A lot of our cows nowadays are pumped with estrogen to increase their yield of milk, and I've had cases of men whose estrogen levels were higher than me and my team members combined. Okay so, a man whose estrogen level was higher than two women. And this is because the estrogen was coming in from the dairy that he was having and these Xenoestrogens can impact. So that's why a lot of girls are hitting puberty as early as eight and a half or nine years a lot of men are having issues with delayed puberty right. So puberty onset is delayed so either their typical expression of masculine characters like hair facial hair or hair that is repressed or they have this condition called as gynecomastia where they develop like, you know, something that's similar to breast all because of the excess estrogen that's coming in from the food supply. 

And there are other estrogen mimics that are there in our personal care products, the ones I spoke of earlier. Even BPA from plastic right so all the plastic containers that you use or if you're somebody who is using Bisleri water all the time or these bottled water, all the time then a lot of BPA from that company I personally always use glass bottles. I never use plastic. This plastic can also disrupt your endocrine hormones and it can cause hormonal imbalances so either early periods in girls or PCOD, PCOS kind of issues or you know gynecomastia or male breast or delayed puberty in boys.All of these can happen due to endocrine disruptors. 

GMO foods I also mentioned these earlier, but these are foods that are genetically modified to either increase yield or to become pest resistant or drought resistant and these are foods, when anybody modifies genes or something, it means that that food is no longer in its natural form our genes have not been tampered with yet, unless Bill Gates gets to do what he wants to do our genes have not been tampered yet. So, what happens is when we eat these genetically modified foods our body cannot really process them the way natural food does and then that starts creating a whole lot of diseases. So these GMO foods themselves start becoming like toxins in our body and typically the most common GMO foods we see now are soy, wheat, corn and certain animal products like sometimes to increase yield again; these cows or even chicken for example the broiler chicken that you eat they injected with hormones right? So then the entire gene itself; sequence itself gets modified so these are again things that the body would treat as toxins. 

So what is a toxin?

A toxin is something that the body would consider as poison, and would find a way to remove because it knows that this thing is there in the body is going to create disease. 

And the last category of the most dangerous toxin but I think the one that we should speak a lot about is vaccines because vaccines, like I said earlier has aluminum and mercury in its most bio-absorbable form which is really bad for the body and all the other preservatives the formalin and the formaldehyde; all the other adjuvants that are added to maintain that vaccines integrity. All of these are really harmful to human health and, in my opinion, these are the five most dangerous toxins that one should pay attention to and figure out how to eliminate, so we'll talk about the elimination and detox but these are the top five in my list.

Suyash: Thank You as we all have become aware of what are the sources of toxins and how they impact our health. 

Now it's time to know how we can identify food, whether it's organic or not? Sabita if you can just know, throw some light on that; Like whether this food is toxic or nontoxic or how do we identify, because that's one of the biggest challenges I see in almost everyone who raises questions regarding the same. Can you give some practical tips regarding the same then that would be great?

Sabita: Okay, so see basically.

First thing I would like to just tell you that you know there was the one saying, from one big writer. I can share the name later that he said a few decades back; that today what we are eating is actually not food. It is something like food. So you know, we have changed over the years so much that we don't even need to eat the food. It is like something like the food we are eating but we don't know what we are eating. So now it's time that we should know what we are eating, so there are a few and simple tips I would like to give to our listeners that you know how we can identify our organic food. 

So, you know, the first thing that we have to see and understand is that we should never go by the look of it. So anything, you know, which is very beautiful, very shiny and looks alike and you know, for example, tomatoes, all are in the same color and you know, the same size and a nice red. So, we have to think that nature never gives us things which you know look-alike always like even if you see human beings we are all different sizes, different shapes, different colors and everything.

So, out of those things which we are eating. Are you now made so beautiful and look alike and so these are a few things which we have to always keep in mind that you know nature will not give you something which is as beautiful as they look on the shelf of our market. So, inorganic, we should always see something which is looking very beautiful and shiny. We should actually get suspicious immediately that what is wrong with this food because then it is coming directly from the farms, it is not looking alike and it will actually not look that beautiful.

So My first tip is you should always ‘Love the Ugly.’ So we need to understand why it is looking like that. And what is the reason behind that? And so that's the first tip I would like to give.

The second tip is short and simple. So anything which is very big in size, or if you pick up dudhi or any fruit, in that case, papaya or anything, so it has a natural size of it and if you grow it organically, it will grow only till that size and it will not grow very big and, you know, so the thing is, we have to also see the size of it. naturally grown food or organically grown food will not be very, very large in size.

Then, the third tip is the smell and the taste of it, get an organic bunch of, you know, coriander at home and then you chop it, you will immediately feel the difference. Now you know you are smelling that and you are cooking that or when you are making that so that you will immediately understand. So these are a few things which we see.

Apart from that, one more, a very basic thing that we need to see is insects, the moment we see some insects in our  Palak or in any of our fruit we get scared. Oh my god, throw it away we can't use it. But, you know, if we say that insects are even more clever than human beings, they understand where they should go and what they should eat. They know there is no pesticide there to kill us and that is the reason they go there and they eat that food. So, why they're going there is because there is a life in that food. 

So what we say everything works as a Prana. So if there is a Prana, then the insects will go there and anything which has life; so Mugdha will also give more insight on that like any food which has life in it, it will give some nutritious value to us, compared to things which we are eating which are lifeless.

So never get scared of the insects. So they come, they eat their part and they go, but then they will not have you know where compared to the harm which is we are getting from the pesticides, so we have to be very very careful about it.

 In that context, I can share one story with you, that once we had visited our farm long back so that was actually the ‘Dudhi farm.’ So you know all the dudhi’s were nicely grown and in big size, and had very good colors and everything. There was only one small patch of dudhi, only a single patch of dudhi which was like you know, in some different crooked shape and has bird marks in it and not grown completely which we and we thought. 

So then we asked that farmer, what is wrong with this particular batch of the dudhi? Is it not good? So he said No-No this is free from pesticides that we have kept only for our family we don't sell that. This is how you know it happens, we have to be very careful when we are choosing the food, and these are a few tips which I can share for now, and yeah on that particular thing which I gave you the example I have the video also to show you. Just give me one moment.

Mugdha: I like your videos a lot Sabita!

But once you start thinking of all the places toxins come right, then it becomes like a really scary world. Oh My God! Everything has poison in it.

Suyash: What to eat? What to avoid? And how to even mitigate that effect. What does one do if somebody has been exposed to it for a lifelong?

Sabita: Can you see the screen?

Suyash: Yeah. Yes

Sabita: Yeh Maharashtra ke Nashik Zille ke Angur Desh Bhar Mein mashhur Hai taazzi taazzi Rass bhare anghur dekhke muh me paani aa jata hai. Lekin Jo Kisan Inn anguron ko Ugha raha hai vah inhe nahin khaaega; 6 saal pehle muh me chale lagg gaye te uss time anghur ka season te aur mein roz anghur khaata ta Lekin anghur ke kheton me chemical spray karte te. Aur fir mene mere kheton ka anghur khaana bandh kar diya. Pesticides hum karte hai lekin quality dikhne ke liye bante hai uske nutrients kam ho jaate hai aur poison andar jaati hain vyaapari purpose ke lye karte hai. Mene alag se jagah kheti ki usme humne bina chemicals lagaye hue sabzi tayar kiye aur hum vahi khaate hai.

Ferozepur gaon ke Surendra Rajput Duniya bhar ko pesticides bhechne wale bina chemical ki kheti Karte Hain. Yeh dawaiya jo sabi mere se leke jaate hai voh keede maarne ki dawai hoti hai. Mein apne khet ke andar na iska istemal nahin karta hun yeh mein  isliye karta hun taaki humare jo sehat hena voh thik rahe Jo body hai usme koi asar nah aye.

Valsad Gujarat ki Nilesh Desai Bhi Apne aur apne parivar ke liye alag se ann ughate hain. Mera ek khet hai usmein mein ekdum deshi vo mere liye rakha hai aur mera dusra khet hai usme rasayani use karta hai yeh isliye kyunki jyaada munafa mile, jo drum me daalte hai dawa vo drum ek saal tak usme smell rehti hai vo toh drum hai plastic ka toh admi par to uska asar hoyega hi na uska. Ghar ke wale mein nai daalte vo bharish ke pehle hum nikal dete hai. Vo maal hum hamare rishte daaro me hi dete hai aur jo commercial aate hai vo sab market me jaata hai. Iss zamane me koi bi vastu dikhaav pe chalta hai; badiya laga toh le lo vo kaisa hai voh dekhta nai jab commercial baat aa jaati hai toh samne wala marr jaye toh bi koi sunta nai 

I think we got a fair idea about what he was talking about. So over the period of time, even these farmers had understood that you know what is good for them and how harmful these pesticides are, and that is the reason they have kept these things aside only for their near and dear ones. And we have been done with all the chemicals today.

Suyash: Thank you for those wonderful tips to identify what actual organic food looks like and how we can differentiate with the non-organic foods. 

Now Mugdha, coming to you again. Now we know that we have so much toxin on us we are ingesting so many toxins around us now, what are the steps we can take to detoxify from them or ingest them out? So if you can just throw some light on that.

Mugdha: Yeah, sure. I will.

The thing about detox is a lot of people think detox means drinking green juice in the morning and then like this having lime water in the day and you know then say detox hogaya. Like, I can't tell you the number of people who've been, like, on Instagram post pictures I'm detoxing when I'm doing a juice cleanse; detox doesn't really work with detox is not about drinking juices you really have to understand what detox means deeply because a lot of these, in fact, I'll just go back to sharing my slide and then I talk about this.

Because what happens with toxins whether you're ingesting toxins from, whether it's airborne toxins or whether it is, you know, toxins that have gone in from your utensils like aluminum and your non-stick or whether it's toxins that have gone in from your personal care products.

All of these toxins are there in your body nice to just drinking juice is not going to remove them. Yeah, going back to my slide so this is what happens really even in a healthy body. Let's say you're not overexposing yourself to toxins like maybe somebody like Sabita and me who and you also Suyash, we're very careful about everything that we put into our body about the soaps and shampoos that we use and our toxin exposure is minimal.

Even in that case. Now, this is typically where toxins enter from right so they can airborne toxins they'll go in from the lungs if it's something that you're applying on your body or you know some chemical that you get exposed to or when you're washing your bathroom with, or even when you're like, let's say somebody came in and wipe your floor in your house. You didn't even touch the Domex or that phenol whatever was there in that bucket but you just walked on that floor which is why with these chemicals, the skin on your foot is still got to absorb these toxins in your body.

Gut/Intestine, Of course, are the foodborne toxins are the medicines that you're taking all these waterborne toxins that might be going in. In addition, if you have been injected with vaccines, then those additional toxins have gone right. So this is all, all the sources from where toxins can go in.

Now what happens in the body is; from whatever source a toxin has gone into first go to the liver for detoxification because that is the primary place for detox the liver is so badly under. I mean last it's underestimated big time right in. Everybody talks about the heart, everybody talks about the brain, everybody's not talking about the respiratory system in the lungs because of the COVID fear. Right.

So I had heard somebody say this once in the life of the liver, depends on the liver, right. So, the kind of life you live really depends on your liver cells and I think in our blood test and the analysis we see this so many times right we have chronic diseases most often have a really dysfunctional liver. 

All of these toxins first go to the liver, and then the liver processes them, then the liver so I won't go into that phase one phase two phase three now because it just won't have enough time. But the liver has different phases through which it breaks down different toxins and then decides from there these are going to be excreted. So the excretion points for toxins are from your skin; from your sweat. Then when somebody sweats toxins go out to the kidneys, for example, when you urinate a lot of toxins from the body are carried out so that's why your urine color also changes depending like if you've gone to take some medication you'll see a change in the color of your urine right so kidneys are a second re-system for toxins to be treated.

Your colon, so basically your bowel movements and being able to, you know, defecate and have healthy bowel movements is another process through which toxins leave your body and the last is through your lungs. When you exhale, again, toxins leave your body.

So, this is the entire process. Now just drinking juice is in no way going to really help this process unless you know what you're doing in the juices and the toxins again are of two types, there are fat-soluble toxins like the Mercury's and all of that and there are water-soluble toxins.

So fat-soluble toxins go and now let's say your liver is not functioning well let's say you have a fatty liver or let's say your liver is already overloaded with toxins so much that it can do its basic job well then what happens is the body says ‘Oh! I can't push this out,’ or maybe your kidneys are not working well or maybe you know your sweat mechanisms are not right or maybe you have a digestive dysfunction and which is why you're constipated or something like that and you can't pass bowel movements frequently so maybe one of your exit pathways are not working well.

Then those toxins come back in the body and the body says oh I have to store them someplace like let me not keep them in circulation because if it's in circulation is going to harm the body so just keep them in safekeeping space. So the fat-soluble ones go and start sitting in your fat cells; in your bone marrow; in your liver and in your central nervous system, like mercury that I spoke off. Mercury goes and sits in the central nervous system and the brains.

The water-soluble ones because they are water-soluble then they keep floating around so they go into your joints; they go into your blood and that's typically the process of, you know, this is the process of detoxification and elimination and if this process is not working well, then the excess toxins are going to start getting stored in the body. And it's when the toxins get stored that we start seeing the disease. So if the toxins keep getting eliminated generally they won't be a disease state but it's only when storage starts happening, then we start seeing the disease.

Now, the question that you asked right: How does one really detox?

So before you even begin to detox you have to first understand what is your personal toxin load right. So, what kind of toxins do you have? Where are they resting mostly?

So that is the question to ask first before somebody even goes on detox. And typically, you know, the kind of bodily responses to toxins would be skin rashes for sure because again like I said the skin is one mechanism for toxin exit. And if the skin is not doing this properly then a lot of toxins may start depositing subdermally below the skin and then you might start seeing acne and skin rashes, allergies are another response mechanism a feedback mechanism that the body can give for excess toxins.

Joint pain arthritis, autoimmune disorders because when there are excess toxins stored in the body then the body's immunity also starts getting impacted also the liver is one place for her immune system to work really well. If the liver is overloaded with toxins, then you start having autoimmune disorders as well, heart problems, chronic fatigue is another big-time response mechanism that we've seen when toxic overload happens; where people are feeling exhausted because if your toxins are getting stored cellularly, then you know all your enzymatic reactions your energy production mechanisms are going to be impacted fatigue is one; diabetes because your liver and pancreas are deeply connected so sometimes the toxins that are overloading your liver can also start overloading your pancreas, that can start getting diabetes, other stuff so you can read this.

But a lot of these conditions, actually are indicative of toxin overload more than anything else and typically what functional, I mean what doctors do, is they just look at this reaction that's happening in the body and give you a medicine for it as I tell you you have a skin rash and you have acne let me give you a steroid cream to apply on it.

Okay, you have high BP let me give you BP medicine to bring down the BP; if you have an autoimmune condition, let me give you an immunity suppressant so that you won't get; if you have pain, let me give you painkillers to kill the pain, but if those medicines add on to the toxin load and it never resolves the root cause right so the condition just keeps getting worse.

So what I recommend and what we do at Thrive also is we always get people to do their blood test to understand what is the level of toxins that they have. So when somebody comes to us with a particular condition, we want to rule out all the possible root causes, out of toxins is a major one so we get the basic test and so liver function test for example can tell us if there is indeed a toxin overload in the body and if anyone is interested right we can. After the thing, we can send you details on how you could figure out which tests are needed.

Oh yeah, I have a nice cool poll that I wanted to run. 

That's it. So, have you experienced any of these symptoms that I just spoke of because then there is a possibility that you could have a toxin overload in the body.

Is the poll available? Okay, great.

 Suyash: Yeah.

Mugdha: And sometimes it's so easy to get rid of these conditions without having to take medication but you just find out that if this is the root cause, we'll get rid of the root cause and the condition is gone. 

Wow, that's 61% that I'm seeing right now.

But let's wait for another 30 seconds and then we'll end the poll.

There are also other expensive tests that you know you can get done to specifically find out a load of mercury and all but we don't usually recommend that because they're very expensive. Most of those tests are not even done in India though they're usually done abroad in Germany and then your hair and your nails samples are taken and then the courier to Germany and the best I did. So, we usually at Thrive we don't usually recommend those tests unless it's a very critical case that it's a very high overload of a particular metal, but generally from the simple liver function; CBC kidney function tests we can find out what is the toxin overload in most people.

And let's end the polling and I want to share the results. 

So that's 65% of the audience right now who mostly eat organic food, who are saying they're experiencing some of these symptoms that could be a result of a toxin overload itself right, and that's what it's not just food right toxins can come into the body from so many places. It's always best to figure out what is your toxin overload and then move on to detox.

And then I'm taking you to the next slide which talks of detox. Alright so what does your body need for detox; it needs two things. One is it needs the right nutrition because you can't detox. If you're deficient. So if you're just doing juices like the one here at the picture I put up here. This is typically what most people do for detox and this doesn't really work because it might not even give you all the nutrients so people don't know that protein is an essential part of a detox process because your body uses protein, like all these amino acids, taurine and glycine and all of that, to actually enable the phase two phase three detox pathways so protein is a critical component of detox.

If somebody is giving your detox plan without any protein in it, that plan is not detox. That plan is just fasting, a reduced-calorie thing which will still make you feel good because fasting and being in reduced calorie states is not a bad thing but that is not a true detox.

Secondly, you need vitamins like your B vitamins and then you need vitamin C, which again is a very important right. So you might need supplementation also if your body's already deficient in these vitamins and then you need minerals right so you need your zinc you need magnesium you need all of these minerals, for a successful detox. So this is just the foundation right?

Once you have this basic foundation in place once you have the right nutrients in place, then the second step of your detox includes making sure your detox pathways the image I showed before right your kidney, your skin, your bowel, and your ability to breathe out toxins.

All of these should be open and the liver and kidneys are hard for you to know whether they're working well unless you look at your blood test; at least bowel functionality most people know you're having a regular motion every day without too much trouble then you know your bowels are working pretty well. But the liver and kidney most people don't know if they're actually ready for a detox or not so it's best to get the blood test done.

Sweating is an important part of detox now sweating can be done in two ways: You could either do a hot sauna and sweat, because that will just remove toxins from your skin, or you can do like good workout and sweat. The advantage of working out and sweating is because then it also improves your ability to exhale out the toxic because it requires more oxygen. So, when we do the detox for people who are on board for our programs, right. Usually do a detox at a much later stage, because we have first to make sure that the foundation is right. But in our detox, we make sure they're having some kind of a workout on detox days also because that includes not just the sweating capacity but also the breath capacity. So, this is what your body needs for detox.

Of course, when you're detoxing them processed foods and making sure you're not eating anything that is not organically procured, I mean that's the basic that's the foundation right like you can try to do the detox and then eat conventionally grown produce because you're trying to remove toxins in putting in new toxins into your body.

So, these are the two components of detox that first is nutrition, second is making sure your detox pathways are functional, unless that is happening, there is no point in doing the detox. So that's my answer again it was a pretty long answer I don't know how much we're overshooting in terms of time, but I really feel to do justice to this. I had to give this answer.

Suyash: Yeah, so thanks a lot Mugdha for giving so much detailed view on how the  perfect detoxification process looks like and where most people miss.

Coming to you Sabita something about the environment, like, what are actually the effects of plastic waste generation from food items on the environment? And like how the initiative taken by you guys is helping the environment? Can you throw some light on the same?

Sabita: Plastic waste generation and the side effects and the effects of that we all are aware of now. So we really do not need to get into a lot of figures and facts about that. But just to put across, whatever plastic waste is generated in India, it is almost if you take an average of it is almost 11 kg per capita consumption per person, it is in India. And out of that production if you say more than 43% is used only for packaging, and especially for food packaging. And out of that, you can say only about 8% to 10% is recyclable. And that recycling also happens in very complex processes and very expensive ways.

So the rest of the 38 to 40% of that if what we say is still there in our environment and it is, you know, it cannot be recycled anymore. And then slowly it also goes to our own landfills and water bodies and all.

Then we have already seen a lot of videos of how it goes and chokes our marine animals and you know what kind of how it provides it to you know all these animals, and even to human beings. And so coming to the health part of it, even when we say that you know, almost for more than 43 to 48% of plastic is used for the food packaging.

So, is it a good idea?

When we know that the plastic is loaded with so much toxin and our food is coming, packed in that plastic and then we are using that food too we have to think, is that a good option for us? So, taking this as a consideration of what Adrish has taken the initiative is that looking at all the problems what we started with, like the toxin foods, then the plastic waste, and then you know the farmer part of it that we'll come to that that how the farmers are affected due to all this thing. So, taking into consideration all these different points.

We started with doing, or you know, organic farming, we encourage farmers across India. We have more than 9000 farmers associated with attrition, who do only and only our organic farming, or you know attrition, and we do take produce from them. So by doing that we encourage farmers to do organic farming. 

And when it comes to the packaging part of it, buying organic non-toxic food in a toxin loaded plastic packaging loses its purpose, right. So we have to go, you know, plastic-free packaging so in address what we have done that we have made it completely plastic-free where you are welcome to bring in your own containers and fill in as much as you need.

Otherwise, we have you know recyclable paper bags or the cloth bags where you can fill in your stuff. So by doing that we are not creating any kind of plastic waste and also the food waste, because you know when we take in packets, so it is the full packet of a particular quantity, and you have to take that whether you need that much or you don't. So by doing this, taking in your own container or in an open format. You can also take as much as you need it. So we are also reducing a lot of food wastage.

And then, you know, going further it is not only about food; as Mugdha said that it is not only food which gives us toxins there are different thing like starting from your morning; toothpaste and your plastic brush and, you know, the all these of moisturizers and the soaps, the cosmetics what you use, then coming to household, you know, the floor cleaners or the toilet cleaners or the hand wash.

Even the laundry wash because if you wash in that chemical lobby. You know the laundry cleaner and then you wear those clothes so in every way these kinds of chemical induce in our body, and in our environment. So, you know, we have solutions for all of this like we have dant manjan; we have plastic-free or toothbrushes we have reusable straws we have all kinds of floor cleaner; toilet cleaners and, you know, you name it, and we have it so we have we are trying to provide a very healthy and holistic way of living, where you get all the solutions which are plastic-free.

So moving on to how you cook your food. As she mentioned that you should not use the aluminum or the nonstick and all. So what should you use? So, we also have solutions for that we have the earthen cookware for that we have some wooden cookware for that, and how you eat, we have some Casaware and the copperware, you know, they all have their own trace minerals actually as she said that copper overload is not good.

I just saw some questions even in the chat that should we drink water in copper?

Yes, we should. But How much is very important. The quantity is very important so maybe a glass to a maximum one and a half to two glass of copper water what you should have in a day. So, people start doing, you know, overdoing everything that okay we heard somewhere that the copper water is good. So we should keep on drinking over the day, so it shouldn't be restricted. We should be very wise in deciding that what we are doing is the quantity right; is the way we are doing it is right. So, we have solutions for all that, then. So this was the part of human health.

But then, at the same time the environmental health is also very very important because you know somehow that is also a part of us and we have to take care of that. So by taking this initiative. We also do not harm the environment. The first thing is the plastic waste goes into the environment which we spoke about. But if we are not using any kind of chemical product; for example, like if we have these, you know the fertilizers and everything used so it remains in our landfill.

Then when you use all these chemicals per household, like, let's say for example for phenols and, and all these chemicals. So after you say that it goes into our water system. And then finally it lands to the sea or wherever you say, and then it remains there always.

So we also have to avoid every possible way of the toxins, which we are using on our body, and we are also releasing on the environment. So by doing all this thing, we have taken care, starting from the farmer and the organic farming health of our consumer; health of our environment, going completely plastic-free and waste-free, and also we are giving employment to the all rural area women because all the processing grinding and everything that happens is as you all know that nothing goes through the mill.

In Adrish produce, everything is through a hand process. So, they also get employment and by doing all this with Aderish. It is a complete cycle we have tried creating, which is good for our environment for our bodies; for our farmers and their families, and without creating any harm to anybody. So this initiative Adrish has taken, and you know it is actually doing a lot of good to everyone, with support of all.

And we also want people to get aware of all this and make others aware. So you know, at the end of the day when we live; we should be completely toxin-free in all the different ways. So this is the initiative of Adrish. I hope I answered your question.

Mugdha: I love what you guys do because my comb is from Adrish; my steel straws are from Adrish. And like now in the lockdown it wasn’t for me to come and pick up stuff but otherwise like I live alone right so for me it's so easy to come in buy small quantities like that yeah I just wanted like hundred grams dried bananas because I didn't have to buy an entire packet and I could just come in to buy that.

And the fact is I can get the soap and like everything right, I need it right there. So you guys have multiple stores also now?

Sabita: Yes, yes. In Pune, we already have three stores. We have in Delhi; we have in Mumbai. And we had a few more plans during this lockdown and everything went for a toss but Yes we have more plans in different cities and then in Pune a few more stores. We just want the maximum number of people to get benefitted from this.

Mugdha: See at Thrive our mission is to meet 1 million people and so many times people who come to us like they, they want to heal and then they don't get access to good quality food or organic stuff, and then the entire healing process starts getting delayed right. It's not like they don't have the intention, but it's just that the supply is not available.

So I'm like you know if Adrish was there in all places like. It's really I think we are lucky to be in Pune and like Banner, Suyash and I keep talking like we have our patients from across India; across the globe at least outside India it's easier but for people that say in Gurgaon, they don't have that many options or like you know it's far and few so we should have more Adrish’s happening.

Sabita: So that reminds me that you are in Baner and now we have a shop in Bhandarkar Road also. So we have access to people around that area and  Kothrud. And we have it in Koregaon Park. In Mumbai, we have in Andheri Lokhandwala which has recently opened. People in north Delhi we have in Saket Delhi, so you know we have covered so far so much.

Mugdha: So, what we will do is in the email that I will send with all the research links will also send your Store details. Somebody wants them can look it up so whoever is attending this session will definitely send you those details. 

Suyash, I can see some questions can I go through the ones that I like.

Q.Can you please explain how we know if the liver and kidney are ready for detox?

A. It's very simple; Send us your blood test any recent ones that you have. And we can take a look at it and if they're very old then obviously that data is not useful but if there recent may be something we can just tell you if you need to do any further work or if it's okay for you to go ahead. In fact, Rutuja is here and even when we send an email, we'll send links on how you can get in touch with us but blood tests are the best way to know, what is the internal state of your body because externally, you don't know right some symptom like people who have itchy eyes might think it's an allergy to pollen where it might be a vitamin A deficiency and vitamin A again is a vital nutrient when it comes to detox. So, whatever is happening externally might not be the best reflection of what might be happening internally. Best is, you know, get your blood tests done and that's the really most accurate way of finding out.

Q. Does cooking kill the pesticide, especially leafy vegetables?

A. No basic cooking does not kill pesticide; cooking can kill bacteria, to some extent, and that is the reason we say that then vegetables and all you should not have raw, but then pesticide as we showed in the video also and we explained that pesticides once it is sprayed on your food. It stays there like it does not get killed by anything. Instead, you will get killed by using those pesticides continuously. It does not kill pesticides.

Q. What's the difference between natural farming and organic farming?

A. Well, Natural Farming is something which is done using the natural resources, which is, you can say, compared to conventional farming it is much better, but then natural farming need not be 100% organic farming, because in the process of organic farming, there are a few parameters. If you start with the soil part of it, how is the soil and what is the quality of soil, whether the soil has been kept organic for almost more than 10 years or so. Then what is the kind of seeds we are using is it an indigenous variety. Is it a Non-GMO, you know, seeds, whatever we use in our, in organic farming they are all Non-GMO seeds, what we use for that is there, then you know what is the kind of Manure and fertilizers and everything that we are using, and then they go on like the pesticide part and then also how do you preserve it like for example there's a chemical called Sulfans which is used to preserve the food, all your grains. So what happens is that sulfans work on your body as a slow poison over the years. Nowadays we are seeing at a very early age we start getting back pain or some bone problems. So, Sulfans are something which works, you know, on your bones, and it depletes the quality of it over a period of time. So, when we are talking about organic, it is end to end. Like, as I said, starting from the soiling sowing and the fertilization and the harvest of that and how do you preserve it and how does it reach till you. So, that is organic. And natural farming happens like you are using everything which is naturally available, but then we may not look into all this parameter in detail. So, that is the difference between organic and natural farming.

Q.Are Adrish products available online for purchase?

A. Yes so presently we are doing home deliveries from the store, so you can reach out to us, we will share the numbers and we can do the delivery. And we are also available on Zomato, Dunzo and Swiggy, and everything. And, you know, we have more than 600 products; so we are in the process of uploading all of them on our website. And very soon, our website will be launched and then you can directly order from the website as well. Till then we are accessible on all different platforms and directly on phone so you can feel free and order.

Q.Is homeopathic medicine toxin free?

A. Yeah, I think medicine is, see I have not studied homeopathy so I don't understand how those medicines work. I know they work on a principle of dilution. My only issue with homeopathy is often the pills that are recommended are either sugar-based or lactose based so if you have an intolerance to lactose like if you are very allergic to dairy then those, even those small pills can over time create some kind of dysfunction. And the thing about medicine is the word should be to end, taking those medicines as soon as possible right the goal should not be to take medicines and wonder if they're free of toxins or not. So if you're taking medicines for something then the goal should be to find out why you are taking that medicine and to stop taking that. That’s my perspective, I haven’t studied homeopathy in depth. I only know that medicines are sugar-based or lactose based.

Sabita: If I can add to that Suyash. We just had the last session with our Adherish with one of our very senior doctors from homeopathy, Abhay Talvalkar who is working in Prana, so maybe I can just connect the person with him and he can give all the detailed answer about homeopathy and that is what I can do, that would be great.

Mugdha: If anyone here in the chat has any more questions, please ask otherwise we'll end this because it's been I mean it's more than half an hour, that we've shot over it. So, alright so what I do is I just send the email id which you can send your reports.

 If any of you want to get your reports checked out by us also for people who attend our sessions we actually waive off our consultation charges I mean we get 50% off so if you want to reach out to any of the nutritionists at Thrive you want to have a one on one consultation with me. We do it at 50% off because you guys have put in the time to come here and attend this session. 

And, again, Rutuja will reach out to you if you need any help there, but we will send an email after this session with all the details that we've discussed, including the slides.

 All right, then thank you for the feedback. This video will be saved on the page and you can come back and refer to it and I look forward to helping you solve your chronic health issues.

Thank you. I'm glad it was useful.


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