Water and Weight Loss: Does Staying Hydrated Really Make a Difference?

June 26, 2024

Understanding how the Human Body reacts to Hydration

Maintaining proper hydration goes well beyond just soothing one's thirst; it is essential for preserving one's general health and wellbeing. Every organ system in the body needs water to perform at its best physiologically. 79% of muscles and kidneys, 31% of bones, 73% of the brain and heart, 64% of skin, and 83% of the lungs are made of water. Cellular homeostasis, or the body's capacity to maintain a steady internal environment in spite of outside changes, depends on water. Through osmoregulation, the body maintains the proper ratio of water to solutes in its cells and bodily fluids. This delicate balance is influenced by maintaining an appropriate level of hydration, which prevents cells from shrinking or swelling excessively and preserves their structural integrity and functionality. By promoting the kidneys, liver, and intestines' cleansing and elimination processes, water also facilitates digestion and helps the body eliminate waste.

Hydration status has an impact on cognition. Water is necessary for the brain to produce the hormones and neurotransmitters that are involved in emotion, memory, thinking, and processing. Water protects the brain and spinal cord from harm by acting as a shock absorber. 

Does water intake help in weight loss?

According to research, consuming 500 ml (17 oz) of water daily can increase metabolism by 24–30% over the course of one to 1.5 hours, and consuming two liters (68 oz) of water can result in an extra 96 calories burned.

It's commonly asserted that molecular hydrogen water is superior for weight loss. Brown fat burned as a result of the induction of FGF21 in the sole study conducted so far on mice. It is unknown if hydrogen water has the same effects on people.

Water facilitates the process of food digestion and nutrient absorption. A healthy metabolism depends on effective digestion and nutrition absorption. Water also facilitates the body's elimination of waste materials, which can improve metabolic health.

The relationship between metabolism and weight loss through water

Water consumption is a great way to help lose weight.

This is because drinking more water can raise your metabolic rate and promote satiety.

Drinking more water may help you lose weight by slightly speeding up your metabolism, which raises your daily caloric expenditure.

According to a 2013 study involving fifty overweight young women, drinking an extra 16.9 ounces (500 mL) of water three times a day before meals for eight weeks significantly decreased the participants' body weight and body fat in comparison to their pre-study measurements.

Additionally crucial is the timing. The best time to drink water is 30 minutes before eating.

You may consume less calories as a result of it making you feel fuller.

Over the course of a 12-week trial, dieters who drank 16.9 ounces (0.5 liters) of water before meals lost 44% more weight than those who didn't.

Other ways in which staying hydrated can aid in weight loss

The following are some more ways in which drinking water can aid in weight loss:

  1. Water naturally reduces hunger:

The stomach alerts the brain to cease eating when it detects that it is full. Water has the ability to fill the stomach, causing feelings of fullness and decreasing appetite.Sometimes, when someone is truly thirsty, they may mistakenly believe they are hungry. You can reduce needless snacking by having a glass of water before reaching for something to eat. In a previous 2014 study (Trusted Source), fifty overweight women drank 500 mL of water every 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, and dinner for eight weeks in addition to their usual water intake. Body mass index (BMI), body weight, and body fat all decreased in the subjects. They mentioned suppressed appetite as well.

  1. Water aids in the body's waste removal process:

The body cannot properly eliminate waste products like urine or faeces when it is dehydrated. Water preserves vital minerals and electrolytes while assisting the kidneys in filtering waste products and pollutants. The kidneys hold onto liquids when the body is dehydrated. Constipation and stiff, lumpy faeces are other symptoms of dehydration. Water softens or loosens hardened stools, which helps to keep waste moving. Additionally, water aids in the body's recovery from digestive issues including indigestion and diarrhoea. Those who have waste accumulation in their bodies may experience fatigue, bloating, and swelling. Bloating can cause one's waist to increase by inches. Drinking enough water helps prevent waste from being retained, which could result in a few more pounds.

  1. Water consumption helps lower total calorie intake from liquids:

It is simple to consume soda, juice, or coffee or tea that has been sweetened with added sugar and calories. Additionally, a lot of people don't count the calories in alcoholic or sports drinks. Long-term weight loss advantages may result from substituting water or other calorie-free beverages, including herbal tea, for even a small number of high-calorie drinks each day.

Root cause analysis and Hydration:

iThrive uses the technique of Root Cause Analysis, which focuses on identifying the fundamental issue which is causing any problem in our body rather than just going with the very evident symptoms. At iThrive we use this technique and can help identify the needs of hydration according to your body type by identifying the root cause behind that technique. For example, the root cause being the fact that dehydration slows down our metabolism, which can be solved by this technique. Everybody has different metabolic needs and water requirements, and identifying that is what does most of the work for us. It is a very important step that most people tend to miss out on, and we are here to help support you in your bodily requirements, by identifying the root cause for you. 

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